New Families/Patients

Welcome to our Practice

We consider our patients to be part of our pediatric family and we look forward to caring for your family from birth through young adulthood. In addition to delivering medical care, we believe it is our job to educate parents to help raise a healthy and loving child, and also to educate children to help them develop healthy habits.

Our routine well child appointments begin at 3-5 days of age, which is usually just a few days after discharge from the hospital, and then again at 2 weeks. We follow the schedule of the American Academy of Pediatrics for well child care visits, immunizations, and health maintenance.

For children who are sick, we have a walk-in clinic every day (available for our established patients only) , except weekend and major holidays. The doctors, nurse practitioners, and nurses work together to be available for your questions and concerns 24/7.

We welcome your feedback so be sure to help us understand your family`s needs and expectations.

Our physicians are on staff at your local commmunity hospitals(St Frances Hospital,Overlake Hospital and Evergreen Hospital).


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